Customer Data Cloud in a box
The package is based on SAP Customer Data Cloud

With SAP Customer Data Cloud we ensure a trustworthy Digital Customer Journey and thereby increase number of customers and revenue.
Utilising our unique experience combining customer experience and data privacy.

Increased Revenue
Central login across all customer facing applications.
Unified registration for new customers for across all applications.
Social login – Facebook, Google, etc. for login and registration of new customers.
Customer self service access to their personal data and accepted consents/privacy policies.

Fast Digital Transformation
Multiple standard integrations of new channels into existing customer base and consent management.
Consents and privacy policies management:
Handling these in different languages and versions.
Push out new versions or updates easily (Customers are prompted for acceptance with their next login).

Reducing Compliance Risks
Customer data cloud provides you with a central overview of accepted consents and privacy policies including version and acceptance date.
Central handling of age gate across all customer facing marketing and e-commerce applications, ensuring that minors are treated according the local laws.
Simplified registration can provide an increase of 10%-40% in signups.
Social logon can increase registration with 5%-10%.
An increase in trust and transparency can provide an increase of 2%-5% revenue. As customers can get access to and manage their own consents and personal data.
Ability to fast add new channel with seamless integration to existing architecture within 2-6 weeks.
Easy to update privacy policies and consents.
Ability to prompt customers with outdated policies.
Audit trail of all consents.
Overview of each customer’s accepted consents and policies for all channels and markets.